Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Reiki Healing for Dog Groomers

Reiki Healing for Dog Groomers

All dog groomers have their fair share of anxious dog clients to groom, and I’m sure you are no different?

Maybe it’s the bathing and shampooing they don’t like, and of course as you well know the drier can set some dogs into a real tizzy, or perhaps it’s the actually cutting and combing that causes the grief.

Whichever it is, sadly some of our dogs don’t enjoy what should be a lovely experience for them and find it all very stressful.

Most responsible groomers want the very best for their dogs and to make the trip to their salon to be a positive enjoyable experience.

Not only that but as calmer dogs much easier to groom, your work will be a lot less stressful too!

Playing pleasant music in the salon can help but there is a wonderful complementary therapy that can take what you do for your dog clients to a new level and that is Reiki Healing.

What is Reiki?

Rob Fellows International Reiki Master Teacher
Rob Fellows International Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki, pronounced “ray-key”, is derived from two Japanese words which loosely translate to “Universal Life-force energy”.

This ‘life force energy’ refers to the natural energy that is invisible but is all around us and is freely available for everyone. This invisible energy also runs throughout our bodies.

At times our energy levels are depleted, and the energy flow in our bodies becomes slow or is ‘trapped’ and ‘blocked’. This can lead to feelings of tiredness and a general lack of energy. In fact, we often say things like “I’ve got no energy today” or “my body feels out of cirque today” don’t we? This can be because our internal energy is trapped or blocked.

Reiki works on the basis that the person who gives the Reiki (sometimes known as a ‘Reiki healer’) taps into this natural energy source and acts as a conduit by transferring some energy through their hands to the person or animal receiving the Reiki.

Reiki is a very gentle and totally natural non-manipulative healing therapy, which anyone can do either on themselves or other people, as well as for animals too. Dogs love Reiki!

It simply involves laying hands gently on various parts of the body and holding the position for a few minutes before moving the hands to another position.

Or, you can hover your hands over the body without actually touching.

There is no pulling, pushing or prodding or any form of manipulation. There is no invasion such as with needles and no potions or tablets are involved either. It is purely about gently placing hands on the body or hovering over the body, transferring this energy to the receiver helping to create a healthy energy flow to encourage the receiver’s body to self-heal.

How could Reiki benefit the dogs I groom?

Dogs share a very similar body structure to humans. Just like us they have a framework of bones covered in skin to protect the comparable range of internal organs and consequently dogs can suffer from a similar range of both physical and psychological illnesses and conditions.

Of course it is a legal requirement that a sick or injured dog is treated by a qualified vet and once the illness or condition has been diagnosed and an appropriate treatment prescribed, it is highly possible to use Reiki alongside this treatment to help complement the work of the vet.

Reiki is holistic so simultaneously it can assist dogs on a physical level at the same time as helping with any emotional issues such as stress or anxiety.

One of the biggest benefits of Reiki is its calming effect, which can really help dogs that are nervous or ‘stress’, and put the most lively and agitated dog at ease, and so it’s ideal for you to use at any stage of the grooming process to help your more difficult canine clients to relax. 

Some other Benefits of Reiki for dogs:

·         Releases stress

·         Reduces anxiety

·         Increases energy levels

·         Helps reduce pain and suffering

·         Complements all veterinary treatments

·         Helps speed up recovery following illness or surgery

·         Totally harmless

·         No needles

·         No manipulation

·         Totally natural

·         No pills or potions

·         Available whenever you want it-when you are trained to give Reiki yourself – read on to see    how you can easily do this

·         Improves sense of well being

·         Helps calm nervous dogs- ideal in the groom salon

·         Boosts immune system

·         Minimizes feelings of fatigue

·         Lowers blood pressure

·         Aids better sleep

·         Accelerates bodies self-healing

·         Promotes a natural balance

·         Assists in clearing toxins from the body

·         Creates an amazing bond between you and your dog

·         The ultimate in pampering

Phew ….. that’s an impressive list isn’t it?

Many dogs find a Reiki session so relaxing that they fall asleep either during or after the session has finished.

Because Reiki is so simple to perform there is no need to carry out any preparation prior to giving a session. You can start and finish giving Reiki as and when you want to or when it’s required.

However, it always has to be the dog’s choice whether they want the Reiki or not and it should never be forced on any dog, or other animal, if they either don’t want Reiki that day and, any session should stop when your dog’s decide “I’ve had enough energy for now thanks!”

It’s uncanny how dogs can sense the energy that radiates from the person giving the Reiki and will often make an approach and place their nose, or paw in the hands of the Reiki giver. It’s their way of saying “Hey give me some of that wonderful Reiki”. It’s lovely when this happens.

Reiki is very gentle and simple and can do no harm, only potentially good things for your dogs.

So, how do I get some Reiki for my dog clients?

There are basically 3 ways that you can get some Reiki for your dogs.

1) Book a Reiki session

You can seek out a Reiki practitioner near to your location and book him or her to come to your salon to give your dog clients a session. You will obviously need to pay a fee.

Prices vary but you should expect to pay around $60 [£50] for a 45-minute session. Be aware though that you might need several sessions to work on a particular problem. Reiki shouldn’t be considered a ‘one hit wonder’. Also bear in mind that your dog might not be receptive to the Reiki on the day and time you have booked and paid for the session - you should never force your dog to have Reiki!

2) Attend a training course and learn yourself

Anyone and everyone have the ability to give Reiki healing. No special skills are required and you do not need to be ‘gifted’ in any way as some Reiki practitioners might lead you to believe!

The key to being able to give Reiki healing is to be ‘attuned’ to Reiki. This is a short harmless process that releases your natural in-built ability to give Reiki. This atonement forms part of a training course where you should receive a manual and guidance on how to give Reiki to people and even yourself. Only a Reiki Master is able to carry out this atonement process. If you choose this route you must check that the course you attend will also show you how to give Reiki to dogs and how you can use Reiki in your salon, as most won’t do and therefore any manual you receive won’t cover it.

Usually on such courses you receive a Reiki Level 1 or Reiki First Degree Qualification

3) Learn Reiki yourself via a Quick and Simple Home Study Course (except there’s no studying to do)

Not everyone likes to attend a live course… all that travelling, taking too much time out even if you can find a Reiki trainer who works with dogs.

There is a much quicker and cheaper option to make sure you are shown how to give Reiki to help your dogs and that is by enrolling on this Reiki for Dog Groomers Home Study course from Rob Fellows Reiki, which is ideal for you if you want to give Reiki to your own dogs, the dogs you groom and to yourself and your family too.

On this course you will be attuned remotely to Reiki, and Rob will send you his comprehensive color manual showing you where to place your hands for maximum healing effect. The manual also covers giving Reiki to people and self-Reiki too. You will also receive a Reiki Level 1 qualification and your certificate to prove it.

In fact, you’ll actually receive not one but TWO certificates. The first is your Reiki Qualification and the second confirms you’ve been guided on how to use Reiki for the health and wellbeing of dogs in your groom salon.

The beauty of learning Reiki for yourself is that you will then give Reiki to your dogs (and other animals, people and even to yourself) whenever you want to and whenever it’s needed. Quickly and simply.

Learning Reiki on this course from Rob Fellows Reiki is very easy as there is no studying, no essays to write and no exams to take. Hooray!

And the cost is only about the same as booking just two sessions from a Reiki practitioner – but instead you’ll be able to give hands-on Reiki to dogs, yourself and anyone else - forever.

International Reiki Master Rob Fellows will personally attune you remotely to trigger your natural in-built ability to give Reiki and then you will literally be able to give your dog and family Reiki healing straight away … and this new skill will last you a lifetime.

Then, the more you practice the stronger your energy becomes.

It’s as simple as that.

What are the benefits of introducing Reiki into the salon?

·         Knowing you are really helping your dogs

·         An advantage over your competitors

·         A great talking point to attract clients

·         A real feel good feeling

·         Make your Salon a wonderfully relaxed environment

·         A new Qualification

·         Make your job a whole lot easier

·         Help yourself, your family and friends and all pets

·         Another potential income source

·         The Gift of Healing that will remain with you FOREVER


Building the ultimate bond between you and your dogs

It’s no mistake that dogs are regarded as “man’s (and ladies) best friend” …. They are our friends, our companions, and we share our biggest secrets with them! They are loyal, totally faithful and they never get cross if we are late home!  In return for their love we want to give them the VERY best we can. A happy home, a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and playtime, good health and welfare, lots of love and maybe the finer things in life.

You can still go one better as giving your dog regular Reiki yourself is a fantastic way to develop a truly wonderful bond with your clients. It is the ultimate way to pamper your dog clients and make your work easier too.

Case Study

Caroline Sargent with Jester

Caroline Sargent with Jester from Top Hat ‘N Tails Grooming in Cornwall, England

Caroline completed Rob’s Reiki for Dog Groomers Home Study course describes her remote Reiki atonement: “Thank you! I did the grounding meditation a couple of times through the day. After the atonement began I felt quite liberated …. what I noticed in particular was that, at about 8.30-8.45, I felt really quite light and remarkably happy – a definite and positive, not a passive, feeling and one for which there was no other stimulus. “Since being attuned to Reiki Caroline reports: This is me from a pre-grooming session with my beloved orange roan Cocker ‘Jester’, who’s 11 years old; he has a heart valve issue and, separately, an atopic reaction which makes his skin itchy.

The shot was taken in my conservatory (grooming room) and the view out towards St Michael’s Mount - from the west! This is what I mean about the setting and the desire to reflect its natural, calm beauty in my work through Reiki. It’s early days but both my dogs loved their first Reiki session and tended to swoon a bit! I went on to see my pal’s very lively Beardy ‘Chance’ yesterday, also aged six, and he had a similarly chilled (floppy) reaction.

The benefits of the course really have begun at home – you’ll recall reminding me to try the Reiki on myself as I recovered from the hip operation I had in June? People who see me are astonished to see how well I walk now (after a couple of years on a stick). Thanks again, this is really working for me and the dogs.”

For a great simple Home Study course that covers everything you need so you can give Reiki to your dogs take a look at Reiki for Dog Groomers Home Study course from Rob Fellows Reiki.

So if you have some anxious dogs to groom you might want to consider incorporating Reiki therapy to the pampering you already offer in your salon and you could help calm the “stress” clients. It could just make your work a lot easier too.

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