Showing posts with label Arthritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthritis. Show all posts

Friday 8 April 2022

Arthritis Pain Slashed 90% Using This Powerful Herb


Arthritis Pain Slashed 90% Using This Powerful Herb

Danish scientists have discovered a natural, powerful and dirt-cheap herb that gives amazing results for arthritis!

Over 90% of those who used it, reported improvement with their arthritis. That’s better than any arthritis drug tested (and without major side effects).

Anti-Arthritis Protein Discovered By German Scientists


Anti-Arthritis Protein Discovered By German Scientists

If a cure for arthritis is developed, we shouldn’t be thanking our lucky stars, we should thank a mouse instead!

A research conducted in Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics have made a major discovery that helps us understand the disease better.

Thursday 7 April 2022

Arthritis Relieved Using This Cheap Supplement


Arthritis Relieved Using This Cheap Supplement

People who suffer from the extreme pain caused by arthritis are willing to try anything if it can only provide slightest hope of relief!

And the snake oil salesmen are everywhere with expensive, ineffective products.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Suffering From Arthritis? Then Make Sure You Manage One Specific Thing


Make Sure You Manage One Specific Thing

Winning the fight against arthritis. That would be a good thing.

Now, to do that, you’re going to want to manage a part of your health that we’re guessing you had no idea was tied to arthritis.

But knowing about it is pretty critical to ridding yourself of arthritis.

This Simple “Treatment” Stops Arthritis

This Simple “Treatment” Stops Arthritis

This just in: a simple treatment for arthritis that you can do right now.

How would you like to tackle arthritis where it counts – on the molecular level?

Hmm. You don’t need to be a medical expert to do that, either.

Great news, right?

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Arthritis Drastically Improved With These Simple Food Changes


Arthritis Drastically Improved With These Simple Food Changes

One could say that reducing arthritis is as easy as taking a bite out of the right foods.

And it’d be true.

So hey, I’ve decided to save you time by making a list of foods you should enjoy and foods you should avoid if you’re aiming for an arthritis-free life.

Inflammation is a characteristic feature of arthritis. It is actually the body’s natural defense mechanism setting into action to fight the body’s own cells as in the case of rheumatoid arthritis.

The pain, swelling and stiffness are all caused by inflammation. So the key is to avoid foods that cause inflammation and include those that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Surprisingly, some of the foods you should avoid are quite healthy for people who do not suffer from arthritis.

Foods to avoid:

Here are some of the foods that you should cut back on:

  • Tomatoes, eggplants, white potatoes, pepper, paprika and tobacco are all members of the nightshade family. They can cause inflammation associated with arthritis.
  • Grains, especially wheat, that are high in gluten content should be avoided as gluten causes inflammation and joint pain in certain patients (especially if you’re gluten intolerant).
  • Any food that causes allergies in individuals should be avoided. Allergens in the food can trigger a type of immune response that can lead to inflammation.

Foods to include:

  • Fish is a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation. Fish oil supplements are available as capsules and can be found in most health stores.
  • Swap your refined vegetable oils with healthy cooking oils like olive oil, coconut oil or walnut oil to cut down the pain and swelling. Many types of seeds are loaded with good oils. Flax seeds oil actually includes more omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil.
  • Ginger and turmeric are two spices that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Include them in your diet.
  • Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Boswellia, White Willow Bark and Proteolytic enzyme supplements can also provide relief.

Many people have reversed arthritis with this safe, natural, and easy way. Become one of them by simply clicking here…

Arthritis Healed Using This Chinese Herb


Arthritis Healed Using This Chinese Herb

You have arthritis. And it isn’t going away. You:

A) Take expensive medication.

B) Decide to undergo surgery.

C) Use a powerful Chinese herb that’s been shown to decrease arthritis by more than 50%.

(The answer is C. Of course.)

Tasty Spice Can Replace Arthritis Medications


Tasty Spice Can Replace Arthritis Medications

There’s a spice that’s greater than your arthritis medications.

Why is it greater?

Because it’s just as effective as medication in relieving the pain in your joints. Plus, it’s cheaper and tastier than medication.

Monday 4 April 2022

How Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Causes Sleeplessness


How Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Causes Sleeplessness

I guess it comes as no surprise to those who have been suffering arthritis, fibromyalgia or any other chronic pain, that sleeplessness is highly associated with these conditions.

Arthritis Healed Using This Ancient Technique


Arthritis Healed Using This Ancient Technique

A study conducted by researchers at Shanghai University in China, and published in Arthritis Research and Therapy revealed amazing results for arthritis sufferers.

It proved that one specific traditional Chinese procedure keeps away arthritis pain for not just one or two weeks, but amazingly for up to 18 weeks!

Sunday 3 April 2022

Arthritis Pain Doubled With These Two Common Habits


Arthritis Pain Doubled With These Two Common Habits

Strangely, having one of these common habits does arthritis sufferers no harm. Yes, pick one out of the two and you’re probably okay.

But do both, and your arthritis pain will quickly progress to an intolerant level.

Arthritis? 8 Things That Make Your Life Easier


8 Things That Make Your Life Easier

Arthritis is a terrible thief – it steals your joyful life and leaves you in chronic pain, stress, and fatigue, often struggling with simple day-to-day activities.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Saturday 2 April 2022

Arthritis Healed Using This Power-Seed


Arthritis Healed Using This Power-Seed

The ancient Aztecs had deep knowledge of medicine. So many things they did have later been scientifically proven to reveal amazing health benefits.

One of those things is a specific seed that can completely relief arthritis pain.

This Power-Plant Cures Arthritis And Type 2 Diabetes


This Power-Plant Cures Arthritis And Type 2 Diabetes

There is no plant like this one. It can be used to improve all diseases. You can make cream out of it to apply to skin or a tasty juice that works better than most medicine.

It has especial healing properties for arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

Best Exercise For Arthritis (this is a must)


Best Exercise For Arthritis

Exercising is, according to numerous studies, one of the most effective things to improve arthritis.

Today, I’ll tell you about the best exercise for arthritis. However, although these are best, there is another exercise you absolutely must do in combination with this one or you risk making your condition worse.

How Over-the-Counter Acid Reflux Meds Break Your Bones and Cause Arthritis


How Over-the-Counter Acid Reflux Meds Break Your Bones and Cause Arthritis

Waking up with that horrible, sour taste in your mouth and your chest burning with acid reflux, your first impulse is probably to jump for the medicine cabinet.

And what’s the damage? After all, these pills are sold over the counter, nothing but simple calcium or other ingredients that cause no side effects. Right?

Arthritis Cured Using a New Non-Drug Treatment

Arthritis Cured Using a New Non-Drug Treatment

Arthritis is a big business worldwide. In Canada, it is estimated that over 300,000 people are affected. In the US, however, it is over 1.5 million.

Drugs are continually being developed to “battle” the disease, but there is increasing backlash against the life sentence of having to take drugs forever to find relief.

Thursday 31 March 2022

Arthritis Cure May Lie In Your Belly


Arthritis Cure May Lie In Your Belly

Bad bugs in our guts can cause any number of short-or even long-term illnesses. Most of these we attribute to gastrointestinal disturbances like diarrhea, vomiting, gas, reflux, and many other digestive woes.

Undoing the Effects of This Strange Cause of Arthritis


A long lasting research study has revealed a strange cause of arthritis, one that has to do with career choices more than anything.

Arthritis Managed With ONE Dose Per Year (no more daily pills)


As anyone who’s suffering arthritis knows, a handful of drugs is a daily routine, most often with few results but a long list of side effects.